On the banks of the Traun River, projecting over the embankment into the riverbed
A pavilion on the esplanade on the banks of the Traun River can already be seen in photos around 1863. The current building was built in 1883/84, after the design of the saline chief engineer Carl von Balzberg. After each of the three floods (1897, 1899, and 1920), the pavilion was repaired and its design simplified. By then, the pavilion’s use as music pavilion was long over. It was eventually used as a gallery. In 2014 the pavilion was restored again.
The remarkable, small, segment-arched wooden building features a flat half-dome that projects over the embarkment into the riverbed of the Traun River. Initially, the walls facing the river had windows, but today this side is completely closed. The side facing the esplanade was once completely open, except for the balustrade, which now has now a window façade. The once lavish architectural decoration has been greatly reduced over time.